Thursday, March 5, 2009

Qs for our Questionnaire with UNANIMA staff and board members

Here are some questions we came up with.

1. Goals of web site
a. What do you believe is the main purpose(s) of the site? (i.e. communications goals)
b. What do you want to achieve through your web site?
c. What are the key functions that your site must provide?
d. What overall shape would you like the web site to take?
(note: are questions 1c and 1d be redundant??)
e. What are your favorite and least favorite aspects of the web site?
f. What are some of your favorite web sites? (What sites do you visit most often)
g. If you could choose one or two web sites, which web sites would you like UNANIMA's web site modeled after?
h. Is there a staff member from your field network that is enthusiastic about the idea of blogging on UNANIMA’s web site? If yes, would this person have the time to maintain a blog

2. Audience
a. Who is the site’s current and main audience? (i.e. Who is a typical person that visits your site?)
b. Who would you like to reach as an aspiration audience?
i. Activists__________________YES ___________NO
ii. Press____________________YES ___________NO
iii. Donors___________________YES ___________NO
iv. Other(s)____________________________(Please specify)

c. What goals or tasks do your audience need to achieve when visiting your site?
d. What information does your audience need from your site?
e. What skills does a typical user of your web site have? (How web savvy are they? How much time does a typical user spend on Internet daily/ weekly?")
f. What languages do your audience members use on your site?
g. Where are your audience members located? Are there issues with Internet connection speed?

We welcome any thoughts, suggestions, and advice on which questions are the most salient.


  1. Hi peope!
    Here are my comments:

    1f should go to the audience questions.
    1h should be changed:
    "Is there a person(s)in the UNANIMA network whose opinion is especially valuable for you and you would like to hear his/her comments on different issues more often?"
    2a - i should be devided on 'activists of UNANIMA" and "activists from other organizations and communities'
    2d and 2e I think it should You questions :" what do you ..."
    2f and 2g not nessesary. We know the geography and know that some places definetely deal with low band.


  2. Hi guys,

    I like Aleksandr's comments; here are some of my own thoughts on the questions:

    Questions 1.a and 1.b are too similar.

    1.c is too vague -- 'must' by whose criteria? You might want to specify what functions the site's audience absolutely needs, and then order this one after the audience questions so that they have already thought about who the audience is before answering this one. That's basically what 2.c. does, so you could really just cut this one

    1.d is too vague -- just cut it

    In general I think you need to distinguish between the information their current and aspirational audiences need (you'll need both since they won't want to just exchange their current audience for their aspirational ones) and the information that the organization has a mission to communicate. Make that 2 or three separate and specific questions.

    Also, when speaking of functions and goals you need to make the same distinctions (maybe divide those into separate questions)

    This is a very good start though.


  3. Thanks for your comments Ravi. We have incorporated the suggestions into the questionnaire, and hope we can generate a lot of ideas by distributing these questions to the board members.

    The most up-to-date version of the questionnaire is:

    March 2009 Joint UNAMINA International – Columbia University Initiative

    Dear UNANIMA International Board Members,

    A team of Columbia University graduate students is working on a joint initiative with UNANIMA International to develop a web communications strategy for UNANIMA International’s web site. We are pleased to present you with this questionnaire, which has been developed to collect information on your vision for UNANIMA International’s web site.

    To achieve this end, we are seeking your assistance in completing this questionnaire. Please review the questions below and return the questionnaire to Jessica Chen at your convenience. Alternatively, please inform Jessica Chen if you prefer to reply to the questions electronically, and we can send you this questionnaire via email.

    Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts on UNANIMA International’s web site. We appreciate your time, insight, and work to promote peace and human dignity throughout the world.

    -The Columbia University team

    Goals of web site
    1) What do you believe is the main purpose(s) of the site? (i.e. communications goals)

    2) What do you want to achieve through your web site?

    3) What are your favorite and least favorite aspects of the web site?

    4) What are some of your favorite web sites? (What sites do you visit most often)

    5) If you could choose one or two web sites, which web sites would you like UNANIMA's web site modeled after?

    6) Is there a person(s)in the UNANIMA network whose opinion is especially valuable for you, from which you would like to hear his/her comments on different issues more often?

    7) Is there a staff member from your field network that is enthusiastic about the idea of blogging on UNANIMA’s web site? If yes, would this person have the time to maintain a blog?

    1) Who is the site’s current and main audience? (i.e. Who is a typical person that visits your site?)

    a. What goals or tasks does your current audience need to achieve when visiting the site?

    b. What information does your current audience need from your site?

    c. What skills does a typical user of your web site have? (How web savvy are they? How much time does a typical user spend on Internet daily/ weekly?")

    2) Who would you like to reach as an aspiration audience? (Activists? Press? Donors? Others)

    a. If you chose activists as an aspirational audience, please specify if activists are from other organizations, and if so, which organizations.

    b). What goals or tasks does your aspirational audience need to achieve when visiting your site?

    c) What information does your aspirational audience need from your site?

    Thank you for completing this questionnaire.

